Sunday, February 24, 2008

Screwtape Ch. 1-3

I think this was a challenge for me to read, but here are my thoughts about it. In Ch. 1, I think the devil sees God as two different people. He is also saying that whe n a person who believes in God or is a Christian, then you will believe and see things that really aren't there. Ch. 2 says most Christians convert to the devil sooner or later. He also says that Christians are pictorial (make believe) and says that God is not supportive of his "creatures" who are not realistic. Ch. 3 discussees that the devil says we pray to a imaginary person. I think he's trying to say it's okay to hate one another?
This book is interesting but it's very hard to understand what he's really talking about....

1 comment:

Yessy said...

You are right; it took me about three times reading the chapters to get the concept. Well, the book is about the evil’s point of view how to keep humans away from God. Here, the evil expresses his strategies. He talks about the human’s weakness and strengths. Describe how church and home are the places that shape a person. They are the places that stabilize or destabilize them. Summary: the evil’s battle place is the mind.

Mirna Bacaro