Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Proposes a Toast!

Screwtape is the guest of honor during a graduation ceremony. He explains by saying how Hell has a lot of expectations and demands from all the graduates. He says their career is all before them and tells them that they shouldn't keep their hopes up high nor anything is promised. I did get a bid confused on the rest of his speech.
He them seems to be talking to the different groups of people in that class about how evern the great Saints are all sinners too. They are all the same materials as each of them. He also says that when Grace is offered upon them, they should refuse it. It would enable them to be honest, chaste, or temperate. He says, " To accept might make them Different, might offend again the Way of Life, take them out of togetherness, impair their Integration with the group. The might (horror of horrors!) become individuals." I wondered why he would say that, but again, he is the devil and he would say that just so his people won't become of any religion.
At the end of the book they all seem to be happy and satisfied that religion should soon be vanished from the Earth someday. They would be more than happy to take people's sins, where they will keep and continue to tempt human beings successfully!

Friday, April 25, 2008

Chapter 28-31

Ch. 29

Screwtape tells Wormwood that we all can manage hatred even though our nerves and emotions may conflict with hate which makes us prone to any violent emotion. We should not be fearful or be a coward because hatred is best combined with all of this. “The more he fears, the more he will hate.” It’s true because when I dislike something, I keep thinking about it and it takes over my mind turning it in to fear and hatred. It piles up into a bigger mountain. I guess the only way to get rid of the hatred or fear is that we should stand up for ourselves and not be a coward, according to Screwtape. People smell fear and people also see a strong courageous person too! It’s a game with some people and with Satan, but it’s a test with God. “He sees as well as you do that courage is not simply one of the virtues, but the form of every virtue at the testing point, which means, at the point of highest reality?

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Ch. 25-27

Chapter 26

Screwtape tells wormwood that by the time 10 years comes along, you'll end up hating each other. It first starts off by dating, then Love, then marriage, then trying to please each others wishes. There's also a mutual sacrifice throughout the entire marriage. Unselfishness is the key point so he says. (Then the excitement will not last). Once the unselfishness has established as a rule, then both argues because they truely don't know what each others wishes really are! This creates a grudge against each other. He noted: "If each side had been frankly contending for its own real wish, they would all have kept withing the bounds of reason and courtesy...."

We should all be honest from the beginning to prevent tension and unselfishness later in a relationship with a friend or partner. Actual good advice from Screwtape lately for me. "Love is not enough, that charity is needed and not yet achieved and that no external law can supply its place."

Monday, April 14, 2008

Ch. 22-24

Ch: 22

I believe Screwtape's secretary; Toadpipe is writing in this letter. He seems to be so upset that Wormwoods friend has a girlfriend who is a Christian. He is so upset and disturbed by her that he says she makes him so sick. He is so mad because he thinks the world is all going against him and how he is telling everyone about her. Toadpipe is now despising Wormwood's friend as well as his girlfriend. He tells him that everything: cats, dogs, the house, and the garden will despise her too. There will eventually be dead silence on this earth because of her. I am not sure why Toadpipe is writing so harshly about Wormwood's friend and girlfriend. This book is very annoying because it degrades a lot of things, but if you think about it, that is what the devil would do and is here to do these bad things. I hope that Wormwood will soon respond to his reactions.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Ch. 19-21

Chapter 20: screwtape wants Wormwood to possibly choose a wife so he can be unchaste. He points out when choosing a wife that he should look partlicularly for physical features. He tells Wormwood to look for femenine body figures and tells him to becareful because some women are fakes when it comes to body figures because they will try to look like it be wearing tighter clothes and tighter suits to have the figurely body even though they really have a boyish figure. It's all an act he tells Wormwood. He then tells him that the one he finds to marry will be his "own", or slave, or accomplice, or idol. He also explains that once you are married, your wife is like beauty, ugliness by art. But Screwtape noted the only way to marry her is that he has to be a Christian and must Love her.

Monday, March 24, 2008

Chapter 16-18

In chapter 17 Screwtape is telling Wormwood the his friends mother is a selfish person. She is used to getting what she wants and lately she does not receive anything properly as it was like back in the day. She's greedy and which makes her and her son feel very uncomfortable. She's picky and wants everything her way. He also states that women are more about vanity. I'm not sure if he's trying to sound and is sexist. I was just a bit confused on this chapter but it was interesting to read. On page 90 and 91, I was a bit lost because it seems that he is trying to say that women should cater to men and their needs. Then I think he says that we women should make sure their men/solders should be taken care of even though you have to lie to them? I really don't like this book and it is too confusing to me.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Chapter 12-15

I'm writing about chapter 15 and it was pretty interesting to me. I didn't understand the beginning as I did in the end of the letter. In the beginning, I think Screwtape tells Wormwood that we should live in the present to its fullest and the enemy doesn't. The enemy only looks at the future and we want the enemy to look at the present day. From what I think Screwtape says, he says that we should look at the present because we don't know what will happen in the future. It's unknown to all of us, it could bring us fear, and it is least like eternity. He means that the future is temporary. It's temporary because we don't know when we are going to die. We have to plan for tomarrow and we should not give our hearts to the future. I think he's trying to say live you day everyday like there is no tomarrow? I liked what he said on pg.78. He says: "We want a whole race perpetually in pursuit of the rainbows end, never honest, nor kind, nor happy now, but always using a mere fuel wherewith to heap the altar of the future every real gift which is offered them in the present."