Friday, February 29, 2008

Screwtape 4-7

So screwtape know that wormwood is going to be called for the military and he wants him to be focused and concentrated as God would want him to be. (i think) God will provide him with all the proper things that he needs. He says not to have the enemy take control over our mind becasuse if they do, they're pretty much taking over you mentally. Screwtape says that it can weaken him spiritually as well. Mind over matter. Another thing he says is to have the energy to look beyond himself and also not to hate. Some people judge on what they hear or read but really don't know the person or something they hear about until they actually met with that thing or person and know how it acts or feels. He says things that are often judged, such a person who is judging someone or somehthing else; well they are most likely to be full of hatred and are most likely a miserable person.
These are all my assumptions on these chapters. I'm still a bit lost on reading, but i guess i sorta get it....very slowly. :)

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Screwtape Ch. 1-3

I think this was a challenge for me to read, but here are my thoughts about it. In Ch. 1, I think the devil sees God as two different people. He is also saying that whe n a person who believes in God or is a Christian, then you will believe and see things that really aren't there. Ch. 2 says most Christians convert to the devil sooner or later. He also says that Christians are pictorial (make believe) and says that God is not supportive of his "creatures" who are not realistic. Ch. 3 discussees that the devil says we pray to a imaginary person. I think he's trying to say it's okay to hate one another?
This book is interesting but it's very hard to understand what he's really talking about....